Business and Entrepreneurship

Executive members of ATS Meta Analytics LLC commonly known as “ATSMAS” an American consulting company signs a strategic alliance agreement with its parent company Astonishing Technology Solutions Group, Liberia-West Africa. The company serves as Liberia’s number one technological, innovative, Corporate, and strategic partners. Developing advance cutting edge technology, and negotiate new ways to better the standard of Liberia. 

According to  ATSMAS spokesperson, the company seeks to improve living standards, support talents, develop business strategies for low and striving businesses to achieve global status and recognition through focusing on key sectors;

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Economy improvement
  • Investment support
  • Trade simplicity
  • Research, innovation, and Development 
  • Education advancement and reforms
  • Environmental Sustainability (flood, fire, Waste, renewable energy, and   water)
  •  Disease control and cause research. 
  • Government partnership

The alliance starts from Liberia before extending to further nearest nations across the continent. 

As Liberia enters into elections November 2023, the leadership of ATSMAS LLC wishes to work alone side with the upcoming elected government in order to improve the nation’s living condition, provide a strategic economic improvement approach, and develop social capability to compete with the rest of the world. 

The strategic alliance is intended to bring equal opportunity to  Liberians businesses, develop new entrepreneurs, and empower inventors (talents) across the nation.

Mandela Philip Thomas, ATSAMS CEO

“With how the nation is, it is possible  for the people of Liberia  to jubilant prosperity”.  According to Mandela Philip Thomas, ATSMAS LLC CEO.

Mandela Philip Thomas, an entrepreneur,  CEO of ATSMAS,   vows to stay in the nation for two years. This is one of the dedication ever given toward developmental change to the nation of Liberia. The entrepreneur says “He is willing to do everything possible  to make Liberia regain her approach and jubilant her prosperity comes 2030”. He also says “there is much work that needs to be done. Mostly, within the education, business, and security  sectors of the nation”.  He prayed that the government of Liberia work closely with ATS Group so that the nation can weep the benefit from their upcoming hardwork and determination. 

Mandela Thomas stated “Every Liberians should be willing to fight and join support to achieving the nation pride and he is willing to share his experiences for the nation success and better living standards.

“Taking the lead will inspire many Liberians around the world towards supporting the nation” Mandela Thomas stated at the end of the company annual entrepreneurship conference in the USA.