Announced in December 2023 by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on a visit in the middle east. The US-led Red Sea Coalition, officially known as Operation Prosperity Guardian, is a recently formed multinational maritime task force aimed at safeguarding commercial shipping in the Red Sea.

With the rising threat of attacks on commercial vessels by the Houthi rebels in Yemen, who are backed by Iran. These attacks, primarily targeting ships linked to Israel, have disrupted global trade and raised concerns about the security of one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes.

As a result, the US led a coalition to deter and prevent attacks on commercial vessels in the Red Sea, ensuring the free flow of maritime trade.

Join Coalition Members

United States, United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles, and Spain.

Coalition Activities

Escorting commercial vessels. Coalition warships will accompany merchant ships through high-risk areas in the Red Sea, providing them with armed protection.

Intelligence sharing. Coalition members will share intelligence on Houthi activities and potential threats to shipping.

Maritime surveillance. Coalition aircraft and warships will patrol the Red Sea to monitor Houthi movements and detect any suspicious activity.

Coalition Challenges

Some key US allies, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, have not yet joined the coalition, citing concerns about escalating tensions with the Houthis. While the coalition aims to protect shipping, it cannot solve the underlying conflict in Yemen, which is fueling the Houthi attacks.

Region and Global Impact

The Red Sea is a vital shipping lane for oil, goods, and other essential commodities. Disruptions to shipping in this region could have a significant impact on the global economy. However, the coalition’s presence in the Red Sea could help to deter wider conflict and promote regional stability.

It is still too early to say what the long-term impact of the US-led Red Sea Coalition will be. However, its formation highlights the growing concerns about security threats in the region and the importance of international cooperation in safeguarding maritime trade.